Chinese numbers from 1 to 100

Many people agree that Mandarin Chinese will be one of the most important languages ​​of the next decade thanks to China's great economic growth. That being said, if you are interested in learning the language, you can start by the numbers in chinese, since learning to count is one of the best ways to get started in a language.

official flag of china

If you are about to visit the country, there are certain basic words that you must master before arriving so that you can make yourself understood, at least the most basic things.

As with all languages, to learn to the numbers in chinese The first thing to learn is the basic numbers, that is, learn from 0 to 9, since the other numbers are made up of these.

Next, I will share a table in which you can see the number, its Chinese character and its translation into Spanish, so that you can get an idea about the pronunciation of the number. Either way, you could use an online translator to learn the pronunciation a little better.

Chinese numbers from 1 to 10

Number Chino Pinyin
0 零/〇 ling
1 yi
2 two èr
3 three saint
4 four Yup
6 liu
7 Seven what
8 Eight ba
9 nine hee
10 Ten she thought

We recommend that you spend some time memorizing the numbers and practicing their pronunciation. Once you have mastered them you can move on to the following table:

Numbers from 10 to 20

Number Chino Pinyin
11 eleven shí yī
12 twelve yes it is
13 thirteen shí sān
14 fourteen shi yes
15 fifteen shi wǔ
16 sixteen shí liù
17 Seventeen shi qī
18 Eighteen shí bā
19 Nineteen shi hee
20 twenty er shí

As you can see in the two tables, what is done from 11 to 19 is to put ten followed by the unit. For example, to say twelve (shí ér) start with shí (10) ér (2).

This is a rule that is used with most numbers in Chinese. For example, if you wanted to say 22, all you have to do is say "two, ten, two" in Chinese. Easy enough isn't it?

list of Chinese numbers from 1 to 100

Hundreds, thousands and millions in Chinese

Number Chino Pinyin
100 one hundred yī bǎi
200 two hundred èr bǎi
300 Three hundred san bǎi
1 000 One thousand yī qiān
2 000 Two thousand er qian
10 000 Ten thousand yī wàn
1000 000 one million yī bǎi wàn
(100) 000 000 一 亿 yi yi

Much the same is true for larger numbers. For example, if you wanted to say 135, you simply have to say 'one, one hundred, three, ten and five'. Sure, there are some rules and exceptions, but in general you shouldn't have a problem with Chinese numbers. Below we have prepared a very well explained video in which you can better understand the issue of numbers and also there is a native Chinese speaker to help with the pronunciation of the Chinese numbers.

7 thoughts on "Chinese numbers from 1 to 100"

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