Catalan verbs: list and conjugation

In this article we will explain what they are the different types of verbs in Catalan, as well as the conjugation of past, present and future. In this way, we will reinforce your learning with a small vocabulary so that you can improve your grammar and knowledge of the natural language of Catalonia.

official Catalan flag

The importance of learning Catalan verbs is that these words are used in all the daily activities that Catalans carry out. To speak this language fluently it is important that you know the pronunciation and grammar of the verbs and different related words that we will see below.

Important tips to master Catalan verbs

Verbs are words that, generally, indicate an action in the sentence or a state of being as it happens with verbs feel y Existing.

The present tense in Catalan verbs usually represent the now, the past refers to actions carried out in the past and the future to actions carried out in the near future or later.

Examples in past tense

Verbs    Verbs

Past Passat

(I) spoke jo parlava

(I) wrote jo Escrivia

(I) drove jo droïa

I loved it, dear dear

(he) gave ell donava

(he) smiled ell somreia

(he) took the prenia

we speak nosaltres parlavem

we write to us write to me

we drive our alters, lead me

we love our esteem

(I) say jo donava

(I) smiled jo somreia

(I) took my prenia

(he) spoke ell parlava

(he) wrote ell Escrivia

(he) drove he drove

(he) loved ell esteva

we gave us donavem

we smile we somrèiem

we take our honor

list of verbs in Catalan

Future examples

Future    Futur

I'll talk ho I'll talk

I will write jo I wrote

I will drive I will drive

I will love I will estimate

I will give I will donate

we will talk to you parlarem

we will write us, write us

we will drive ourselves

we will love each other

we will give us donarem

we will smile nosaltres somriurem

we will take prendrem

I will smile jo somriuré

I will take I will

(he) will speak he will speak

(he) will write ell Escriurà

(he) will drive he will drive

(he) will love it he will estimate

(he) will give he will donate

(he) will smile ell somriurà

(he) will take ell prendrà

Examples in present

I speak well I speak

I write or write

I drive jo condueixo

I love it, I estimate

I give jo dono

i smile jo somric

I take jo prenc

we write nosaltres Escrivim

we drive nosaltres we drive

we love us, esteem

we give us donem

we smile nosaltres somriem

we take our prenem

(he) speaks he speaks

(he) writes he writes

(he) drives ell condueix

(he) loves ell esteem

(he) gives ell dona

(he) smiles ell somriu

(he) takes the pren

we speak nosaltres parlem

Important vocabulary of verbs in Catalan

Spanish Meaning in Catalan

  • We can accept that: We can accept això
  • She left: She is going to anar
  • We always admit it: Semper ho admetem
  • We advise you: Li aconsellem
  • we announce it: the advertised
  • I can apologize to you: Et puc demand apologies
  • She has the arrangement that: She tea l'arranjament that
  • We can arrive tomorrow: We can arrive again
  • We tie them up: Els lliguem
  • They avoided: Ells will avoid
  • We can bake: Podem enfornar
  • He is like her: He is like her
  • We always win: Semper vam guanyar
  • You can bring it: Pots portar-ho
  • Can build it: Pot build
  • She buys the products for her diet: She buys the products for her diet
  • We can calculate it: She buys the products for her diet
  • She always says yes: She always says yes
  • Here she comes: Here she sees
  • I can clearly buy it: Clarament puc buy-it
  • She competes with you: She competes with you
  • I can't say anything: Jo no puc dir res
  • She wrote it: She will write it
  • We will never agree on it: Mai estarem acord en això
  • They quickly disappeared from the place: Ràpidament van desaparèixer del lloc
  • We discovered that we always do: Vam discover that always ho fem
  • He eats too much: The menja massa
  • They came in here: They are going to come in here
  • He enjoys: The gaudeix
  • She got away: She is going to get away
  • She feels good: She felt good
  • Can you explain it: Pots explain-ho
  • We heard of that place: Sentim d'aquell lloc
  • We forgive you: Et perdonem
  • he goes to that place: he goes to that place
  • We salute you: El saludem
  • I hate to say that: Odi dir això
  • Can you hear it: Pots escort
  • We invite you to our party: Els convidem a la nostra festa
  • She lost: She will lose
  • They did it yesterday: Ho van fer ahir
  • They were able to meet her: They will be able to trobar-se amb ella
  • He wrote wrong: He will write badly
  • I always say my prayer: Semper rés la meva pregària
  • He prefers that: The prefereix això
  • Please repeat that: Repetiu això per favor
  • You can think her: Pots think her
  • We have that: Comptem amb això
  • I'm going to talk about it: Vaig a parlar-ne
  • Yesterday he bought his food: Ahir is going to buy the seu menjar
  • We finished the project: Finish the project
  • Can you lend me money: Em pots lend diners

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