Rudo mitsara muChirungu

Kana iwe uchida mitsara yerudo, chinhu chekutanga chaunofanirwa kuve nechokwadi ndechekuti zvakanyorwa nemazvo, nekuti nekuda kwezvikonzero zvekusaziva uye kuda kukwezva kutarisa nekukasira, tinogona kukanganisa, mune zvimwe zviitiko, zvisingaregererwe. Nechikonzero ichi, kunzvenga nguva dzakaipa neumwe wedu, zvakanakisa kushandisa mushanduri chaiye kuve nechokwadi chekuti chirevo chacho chakarurama muChirungu kana anoziva yedu 100 Mitsara yeRudo muChirungu !!, (Pazasi ⬇⬇).

Chinyorwa chemashoko erudo muchirungu

Kune rimwe divi, kana chirongwa chako chiri chekutema munyengetero uzere nerudo uye nemanzwiro, imwe nzira yakanaka ndeyekuwana nyanzvi yeinki inoziva mutauro uyu, nekuti izvi zvinokupa chivimbo nekuzviisa paganda rako rose nguva .. hupenyu hwako.

Kune rimwe divi, aya mitsara yerudo haingokubatsire iwe kukunda iye munhu wezviroto zvako, asi zvakare ichakubvumidza iwe kuyanana newaunoda. Edza, shandisa aya matipi uye tinokuvimbisa kuti mumwe wako achakuregerera zvese zvakaipa.

Zvakare, kana iwe uchida kugara uchishandisa zvirevo mumutauro uno, asi iwe ukapererwa nesarudzo, imwe nzira ndeyekushandura zvaunonzwa zvakadzika kuburikidza nemidziyo yemagetsi, semuenzaniso, muturikiri akanaka anogona kuve shamwari yako huru yekukurudzira kuda kwako vaviri.

Usanetseke! Ongorora uye woratidza manzwiro ako nenzira yakasarudzika uye isingaenzanisike. Isu tine chokwadi chekuti mumwe wako achakutenda uye iwe unozowana zvibodzwa zvakawanda muhukama hwako. Pano isu tinokupa iwe zvese zvinodikanwa maturu kuti iwe ushandise iyo rudo mitsara muChirungu Nzira yakanakisa. Tora mukana! Nekuti rudo neumwe wako zvakakosha.

Chirongwa chekunyengedza nemitsara iyi

Kana pakati pezvirongwa zvako zvekunyengedza pane iyo rudo mitsara muChirungu, Ndinofanira kukuudza kuti iyi sarudzo yakanakisa, nekuti iri nzira yakanaka yekuratidza manzwiro ako ese vamwe vasingaone. Mitsara yakatanhamara neshanduro yavo yaunogona kushandisa ndeiyi:

  • "
    I can’t stop thinking about you

    " (Ini handigoni kurega kufunga nezvako).

  • "
    in you i’ve found the love of my life and my best friend

    " (mauri ndawana rudo rwehupenyu hwangu uye shamwari yangu yepamwoyo)

  • "
    My heart is perfect because you’re inside

    " (moyo wangu wakakwana nekuti uri mukati).

  • "
    You’re the only one for me

    " (ndiwe wega kwandiri), kungotaura mashoma. Sei usinga wande murudo neaya mazwi anobata mweya wako?

Akanakisa zana emitsara yerudo muChirungu kwaari

Iyi mitsara zana inotevera inoumbwa nemataurirwo mapfupi kana marefu neshanduro yavo. Iwe uchada aya makotesheni sezvaari hushamwari, zvekare, mimhanzi, mabhuku, mafirosofi uye erudo mafirimu.

Akakurumbira "echinyakare" mitsara


Love, among the gods is the friend of the man, the doctor, the one who brings back to the old condition, trying to make one who is two, the love tries to medicate the human nature. (Platon)
  • Rudo, pakati pevamwari, ishamwari yemunhu, chiremba, uyo anodzokera kumamiriro ekare, achiedza kuita munhu ane makore maviri ekuberekwa, rudo rwunoedza kurapa hunhu hwevanhu.


Jupiter smiles perjury lovers. (Ovide)
  • Jupita anonyemwerera vanoda kunyepa.


One word frees us from all the weight and pain of life: this word is love. (Sophocles)
  • Izwi rimwe rinotisunungura kubva pakurema nekurwadziwa kwehupenyu: iri izwi rudo.


Will display a love filter without poisons, or herbs, no magic formulas: if you want to be loved, love! (Seneca)
  • Icharatidza firita yerudo isina chepfu, kana mahebhu, isina mashiripiti mafomula: kana iwe uchida kudiwa, rudo!


True love has never been measured. (Properce)
  • Rudo rwechokwadi haruna kumboyerwa.


There is another light, for me much more reliable than these, under his direction, my love is lost in the darkness. (Ovid, Leandro letter I)
  • Kune chimwe chiedza, kwandiri chakanyanya kuvimbika kupfuura izvi, pasi pekutungamira kwako, rudo rwangu rwakarasika murima.


You had to wake up in the eyes, at night, in the mind, when the eyelids are closed, won by peaceful sleep. What effect would it have produced in me, personally, if I loved you without you I had yet seen? (Ovid, letter from Paris to Elena)
  • Iwe unofanirwa kumuka mumaziso, muhusiku, mupfungwa, kana eyelids akavharwa, akakundwa nekurara murunyararo. Yaizondibata sei, pachangu, dai ndaikuda pasina iwe zvandanga ndisati ndaona?


Give me a thousand kisses, then a hundred, then another thousand, then another hundred, then another thousand, then a hundred. Finally, when we will be given thousands of mescoliamoli kisses well, so envious looks that we can not count them. (Catullus)
  • Ndipe tsvodi churu, kwozoti zana, kwozotevera rimwe chiuru, kwozotevera rimwe zana, kwozotevera rimwe chiuru, kwozotevera zana. Chekupedzisira, kana isu takapiana zviuru zvevatsvoda, tsime, negodo rakawanda zvekuti hatizokwanisa kuzviverenga.


I hate, if I can; otherwise, I will love despite myself. (Ovide)
  • Ndinovenga, kana ndichigona; kana zvisina kudaro ini ndichada zvisinei neni.

Zvemabhaisikopo emamuvhi mitsara


Kiss Me, Stupid (Kim Novak to Dean Martin Kiss Me, Stupid)
  • Nditsvode Benzi


There was a man, he treated me really bad. It was wonderful. (Audrey Hepburn talks about Gregory Peck vacation in Rome)
  • Paive nemurume, aindibata zvakaipa kwazvo. Zvaive zvakanaka.


I am better than chocolate. (Debra Winger Richard Gere Officer and Gentleman)
  • Ini ndiri nani pane chokoreti


You are a coward, you have not the slightest courage, not even easy and instinctive to recognize that in this world you fall in love! It must belong to someone because this is the only way to be happy! (George Peppard Audrey Hepburn Breakfast at Tiffany)
  • Iwe uri gwara, hauna kana ushingi hushoma, hauna kana nyore uye wepamoyo kuziva kuti munyika muno unodanana. Inofanira kunge iri yemumwe munhu nekuti iyi ndiyo chete nzira yekufara!


Open your eyes and look at me. No, I do not even kiss you, although you need. That’s the problem: you should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how to do it. (Clark Gable to Vivien Leigh in Gone with the Wind)
  • Vhura maziso ako unditarise Kwete, ini handina kana kukutsvoda, kunyangwe kana uchida. Ndiro dambudziko: iwe unofanirwa kutsvoda, uye kazhinji, uye nemunhu anoziva kuzviita.


A woman’s heart is a deep ocean of secrets. (Kate Winslet Leonardo di Caprio in titanic)
  • Moyo wemukadzi igungwa rakadzika rezvakavanzika.


I know who you are close to my heart every hour you are. I know who you are, all my dreams the subject is sweet to you. (The Sleeping Beauty)
  • Ndinoziva kuti ndiwe ani uri padyo nemoyo wangu nguva dzese dzauri. Ndinoziva kuti ndiwe ani, zviroto zvangu zvese, nyaya yacho inotapira iwe.


I am a simple girl who is in front of a guy and asks you to like him … (Julia Roberts Hugh Grant in Notting Hill)
  • Ini ndiri musikana akareruka ari pamberi pemukomana uye anomukumbira kuti afarire ...


Oh, Sabrina, Sabrina … Where have you been all my life? (William Holden Audrey Hepburn Sabrina)
  • Ah, Sabrina, Sabrina… wanga uri kupi hupenyu hwangu hwese?


Often, it’s not the physical appearance that we do, but the ways to make a person attractive. (Marilyn Monroe)
  • Kazhinji kacho, haisi iyo chimiro chemuviri chatinoita, asi nzira dzekuita kuti munhu akwezve.


Love is like the wind, but do not see it, I know it exists because I feel it. (Mandy Moore Shane West A walk to remember)
  • Rudo rwakafanana nemhepo, asi ini handioni, ndinoziva kuti rwuripo nekuti ini ndinorinzwa.


Love can never be described in the manner of the sky or the sea or any other mystery. And «the eye with which we see, is the delinquent in the holy, is the light in the color. (Mel Gibson The Million Dollar Hotel)
  • Rudo harugone kutsanangurwa nenzira yedenga kana yegungwa kana chero chimwe chakavanzika. Uye "ziso ratinoona naro, ndiye mutadzi mune chinoyera, ndicho chiedza chine ruvara."


Poetry, beauty, romance, love: these are the things that keep you alive. (Robin Williams Dead Poets Society)
  • Nhetembo, runako, kudanana, rudo - izvi ndizvo zvinhu zvinoita kuti urarame.


Cannon shots? No, he’s a beating heart. (Ingrid Bergman with Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca)
  • Koni pfuti? Kwete, anorova moyo.


Love is like oxygen! Love is a wonderful thing, raises us to heaven! All you need is love! (Zsa Zsa Gabor in Moulin Rouge)
  • Rudo rwakafanana neokisijeni! Rudo chinhu chinoshamisa, chinotisimudzira kudenga! Chaunongoda rudo!


Be ‘, forget the brain and listen to your heart. I do not feel your heart because the truth, my darling, is that it makes no sense to live if it misses this … (Brad Pitt in Meeting with Black Joe)
  • Iva ', kanganwa huropi uye teerera kune moyo wako. Ini handinzwe moyo wako, nekuti chokwadi, mudiwa, ndechekuti hazvina musoro kurarama kana iwe ukarasikirwa neizvi ...


Dreams are closed wishes at the bottom of my heart, in the dream, we seem a real and everything speaks of love. (Cinderella)
  • Zviroto zvishuwo zvinovhara pasi pemoyo wangu, muchiroto, zvinoita kunge zvechokwadi uye zvese zvine chekuita nerudo. (Cinderella)


I like the fact that you have cool when out there is 25 degrees. I like the fact that you need an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love the little line that forms on the nose when you look at me like I was crazy. I like that after spending a day with you, can still smell your perfume on my clothes. And I like the fact that you are the last person you want to talk to before falling asleep at night. Not that I feel alone, and nothing to do with the fact that it’s New Year. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want that the rest of your life starts as soon as possible. (Billy Crystall Meg Ryan in When Harry Meets Sally)
  • Ini ndinofarira iyo iyo inotonhora apo yaive 25 degrees kunze. Ini ndinoda chokwadi chekuti zvinotora awa nehafu kuodha sangweji. Ini ndinoda mutsetse mudiki unoumba pamhino dzako paunonditarisa kunge ndinopenga. Ndinoda kuti mushure mekupedza zuva newe ndinogona kunzwa kunhuwirira kwako pamapfekero angu. Uye ini ndinoda kuti iwe ndiwe wekupedzisira munhu waanoda kutaura naye asati arara husiku. Hazvina kuti ndiri ndoga, uye hapana chokuita chokwadi kuti zviri New Year. Ndauya pano manheru ano nekuti paunoona kuti urikuda kushandisa hupenyu hwako hwese nemumwe munhu, unoda kuti hupenyu hwako hwese hutange nekukurumidza sezvazvinogona.


The candle that shines twice its splendor, burn in half the time. (Harrison Ford Sean Young in Blade Runner)
  • Kenduru rinovhenekera zvakapetwa kaviri, rinopisa muhafu yenguva.

29. «

Molly, I love you.» – «Ditto.» (Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore in Ghost)
  • Molly, ndinokuda. - «Ditto»

30. «

You’re late.» – «You’re beautiful.» – «You’re not late.» (Julia Roberts and Richard Gere in Pretty Woman)
  • "Wanonoka". "Wakanaka". - "Hazvina kunonoka kwauri"


Bruce: «No. I want her to be happy anyway, whatever it entails, I want you to find someone who treats her with all the love she deserves from me. man who always see as I see him now through your eyes. «God.» This is a prayer «(Jim Carrey Morgan Freeman speaks Jennifer Aniston Bruce Almighty).
  • Bruce: «Kwete, ndinoda kuti afare zvakadaro, ndinoziva kuti zvinosanganisirei, ndinoda kuti awane mumwe munhu achamubata nerudo rwese rwaakakodzera kubva kwandiri, ndinoda kusangana ne… murume achiri kumuona sa Ndinoita izvozvi kuburikidza nemaziso avo. "Mwari." Uyu munamato.

Mitsara muMumhanzi


Love demands everything and has the right to do it. (Ludwig van Beethoven)
  • Rudo runoda zvese uye rune kodzero yekuzviita.


You are the breath that always takes my breath, the only name that comes to me as I try the words. You are the way I do me … (Claudio Baglioni, no more)
  • Ndiwe mweya unogara uchitora kufema kwangu, iro chete zita rinouya mupfungwa kana uchiedza mazwi. Ndimi nzira yandinozviita nayo ...


Some say that the rain is bad, but do not know what allows the head high turn with his face covered with tears. (Jim Morrison)
  • Vamwe vanoti kunaya kwakashata, asi havazive chinobvumira musoro kutendeuka mudenga kumeso kwakafukidzwa nemisodzi.


Whatever they are going to hurt you in life, you must decide who is worth the pain. (Bob Marley)
  • Chero ani anokukuvadza muhupenyu, unofanirwa kusarudza kuti ndiani akakosha.


They say that love is life, I die of love. (Jim Morrison)
  • Vanoti rudo hupenyu, ndinofa nerudo.


You are in me, like the high tide … (Antonello Venditti, High Waters)
  • Iwe uri mandiri, semafungu akakwira ...


A prisoner in infinite prison, I would feel if you are not in my heart. (Jovanotti, All the love I have)
  • Musungwa mujeri risingaperi, ndinogona kuzvinzwa kana iwe usiri mumoyo mangu.


I ask you, go in a moment, my life is in the balance, but I ask you. beautiful star, shines through tears, back … (Alessandra Amoroso, enchanting Stella)
  • Ndinokubvunza, enda mune imwe nguva, hupenyu hwangu huri muchiyero, asi ini ndinokubvunza iwe. nyeredzi yakanaka, inopenya kuburikidza nemisodzi, kumashure ...


I will give you the address of my heart, I will always make you. (Biagio Antonacci, eternity)
  • Ndichakupa kutungamira kwemoyo wangu, ndinogara ndichidaro.


I have nothing left, now that I illuminate the immense love and outside. (Laura Pausini, Vivimi)
  • Handina kana chinhu chasara, ikozvino zvandinovhenekera rudo rukuru uye kunze.


Are you wine and bread, a natural need! Are you a storm that brings the sun from me, gently … (Laura Pausini, Urgency of love)
  • Iwe uri waini nechingwa, izvo zvakasikwa zvinodikanwa? Iwe uri dutu rinondiburitsa zuva, zvinyoro nyoro ...


In love more and more in the depths of the soul for you eternal … (Lucio Battisti, an adventure)
  • Murudo zvakanyanya uye zvakanyanya mukudzika kwemweya kwauri kwekusingaperi ...


I am in darkness and think of you, I close my eyes and think of you, I do not sleep and think about you .. (Lucio Battisti, And I think of you)
  • Ndiri murima uye ndinofunga nezvako, ndinovhara maziso angu uye ndinofunga nezvako, handirari uye ndinofunga nezvako ...


Thank you for making me break my heart finally light can enter. (Irene Grandi, At the doors of the dream)
  • Ndatenda nekuita kuti ndiputse moyo wangu, pakupedzisira mwenje unogona kupinda.


There is nothing else I want, your eyes meet again, unsubscribe and reborn. (Renato Zero, While I’m waiting back)
  • Hapana chimwe chinhu chandinoda, maziso ako anosangana zvakare, kuzvinyoresa uye kuzvarwa patsva.


You die a little to live … (Caterina Caselli, With you, I’m not over)
  • Unofa zvishoma kuti urarame ...


When you are here with me this room has no walls … (Gino Paoli, The sky in a room)
  • Paunenge uri pano neni, imba ino haina madziro ...


I want to go away from you that you have dripped my heart … (Claudio Baglioni, via)
  • Ndiri kuda kuenda kure newe kuti wadonhedza moyo wangu ...


For you, that you are the best thing that has happened to me. (Jovanotti, you)
  • Yako, iwe ndiwe wakanakisa chinhu chakamboitika kwandiri.

50. Unozorora here nguva zhinji paunodonha uye unotora maruva ako uye uteedzere uyu mugwagwa ucharasikirwa nendege yako uye haumbopindire, nekuti zvandiri kuda kuva newe, hapana ngetani kuti uve newe (Ron, hatidi mazwi)

  • Iwe unozorodzwa nguva zhinji sezvaunodonha wotora maruva ako uye uchitevera uyu mugwagwa, uchapotsa kubhururuka kwako uye usazombopindira, nekuti zvandiri kuda kuva newe, ndisina ngetani newe?


It is so hard to forgive those who made you cry and feel bad, but there is only one life and I want with you, with all its problems, all that there is. (Ivana Spagna, People like us)
  • Zvakaoma zvikuru kuregerera avo vakakuita kuti ucheme uye unzwe zvakashata, asi kune hupenyu humwe chete uye ini ndinoda newe, nematambudziko ayo ese, zvese zviripo.

Mitsara mumabhuku


Blessed be «the day and the month and the year and the season, and the time and the time and the point of the beautiful land, and the place where I was, came from your beautiful eyes which bound ‘anno (Francesco Petrarca, song book)
  • Rakaropafadzwa «zuva nemwedzi uye negore nemwaka, uye nguva uye nguva nenzvimbo yenyika yakanaka, nenzvimbo payakange iri, zvakabva pameso ako akanaka akasunga.


The desire that man must love is infinite, however not, if not for the man you love, a limitless love. (Giacomo Leopardi)
  • Chido icho murume anofanira kuda hachiperi, zvisinei, dai zvisiri zvemurume waunoda, rudo rusina miganhu.


Take my bread if you want, take my air, but do not take away from your smile. (Pablo Neruda)
  • Tora chingwa changu kana uchida, tora mweya wangu, asi usabvisa kunyemwerera kwako.


If you read these verses, forget the hand that wrote them: I love you so much that I would not stay in your sweet thoughts, if the thought of making me suffer. (William Shakespeare, beloved)
  • Kana iwe ukaverenga mavhesi aya, kanganwa ruoko rwakaanyora: Ndinokuda zvakanyanya zvekuti handaizogara mumifungo yako inotapira, kana iyo pfungwa yekunditambudza.


There are depths that love can not overcome, despite the strength of its wings. (Honoré de Balzac)
  • Kune zvakadzika izvo rudo risingakwanise kukunda, kunyangwe nesimba remapapiro aro.


Love is the element in which we live. Without it just vegetate. (Lord Byron)
  • Rudo ndicho chinhu chatiri kurarama. Pasina izvozvo zvinongomera chete.


Calm can not be in love, because what has been achieved is that never a new starting point to want more. (Marcel Proust)
  • Kudzikama hakugone kuve murudo, nekuti izvo zvakawanikwa hazvimbove idzva pokutangira yekuda zvimwe.


Life is the flower, the honey of love. (Victor Hugo)
  • Hupenyu iruva, huchi hwerudo.


Men would always be the first love of a woman. Women like to be the last love of a man. (Oscar Wilde)
  • Varume vaizogara vari rudo rwekutanga rwemukadzi. Vakadzi vanofarira kuva murume wekupedzisira rudo.


The supreme happiness of life is to be loved for who you are, or rather, to be loved despite what you are. (Victor Hugo)
  • Mufaro wekupedzisira muhupenyu kudiwa kune zvauri, kana kuti, kudiwa kunyangwe zvauri.


Ben just loves the one who manages to express in words how much he loves. (Dante Alighieri)
  • Ben anongoda avo vanogona kuratidza mumazwi kuti anoda zvakadii.


Women are made to be loved, not to be understood. (Oscar Wilde)
  • Vakadzi vanoitwa kudiwa, kwete kunzwisiswa.


My impetus is infinite as the sea, and no less profound is my love; The more you do, the more you have a gift, for both are infinite. (Juliette Capulet in Romeo, William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet)
  • Simba rangu hariperi segungwa, uye rudo rwangu haruna kudzika; Paunowedzera kuita, paunonyanya kuve nechipo, sezvo zvese zviri zviviri zvisingaperi.


It must sound a bit like understanding, but we need to be a little different from loving each other. (Paul Bourget)

  • Inofanira kurira senge kunzwisisa, asi isu tinofanirwa kuve takatosiyana kubva pakudanana.
  • 66.

    When we resist the passions, it is more because of their weakness than our strength. (François de La Rochefoucauld)
    • Kana isu tikadzivisa zvishuwo, zvakanyanya nekuda kwekusasimba kwavo kupfuura nekuda kwesimba redu.


    Everything I love loses half of its pleasure if you are not there to share with me. (José Ortega y Gasset)
    • Zvese zvandinoda zvinorasikirwa nehafu yekunakidzwa kana iwe usipo kuti ugovana neni.


    Many say that love conquers those who flee, others who win those who wait. I say that love just wins in love and even if it has not been paid is always the winner, because love is the noblest thing that man can do. (Susanna Tamaro)
    • Vazhinji vanoti rudo runokunda avo vanotiza, vamwewo kuti runokunda avo vakamirira. Ini ndinoti rudo runokunda chete murudo uye kunyangwe rwusina kubhadharwa, runogara rwuri mukundi, nekuti rudo ndicho chinhu chakanakisa icho munhu anogona kuita.


    Love is this: that two solitudes protect, touch, meet. (Rainer Maria Rilke)
    • Rudo nderwu: kuti maviri ega anodzivirira, kubata, kusangana.


    To love someone is to desire to grow old beside him. (Albert Camus)
    • Kuda mumwe munhu kuda kuchembera naye.


    I would be lost if I lived a moment without you. (Ugo Foscolo)
    • Ndingadai ndakarasika dai ndaigara chinguva ndisipo


    Love is not to look at each other; is looking in the same direction. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
    • Rudo harusi kutarisana; iri kutarisa kudivi rimwe chete.


    He only likes what you do not have at all. (Marcel Proust)
    • Anongofarira zvausina kana nepadiki zvacho.


    Amor, with how much effort I earn today! And if not, that drives to hope, death would fall, where I long to live longer. (Francesco Petrarca, song book)
    • Rudo, zvakaoma sei ini ndinowana nhasi! Uye kana zvisina kudaro, izvo zvinotungamira kutariro, kufa kuchadonha, kwandinoshuvira kurarama zvakareba.


    What is boring love is the fact that it is a crime in which you can not do without an accomplice. (Charles Baudelaire)
    • Chii chiri kufinha rudo inyaya yekuti imhosva iwe yausingakwanise kuita pasina waunoperekedza.


    Love, too deep and desperate, is always sweet. (Giacomo Leopardi)
    • Rudo, rwakadzika kwazvo uye rwunoshuvira, runogara rwunotapira.


    It ‘a show for the gods in the eyes of the two lovers. (Wolfgang Goethe)
    • Icho chiitiko chevamwari mumaziso evadikani vaviri.


    This love is all that exists is all I know about love. (Emily Dickinson)
    • Urwu rudo ndirwo rwuripo ndirwo chete rwandinoziva nezverudo.


    Conjugal love, which persists through a thousand vicissitudes, it seems to me that the most beautiful miracles. (François Mauriac)
    • Rudo rwekubatana, runoramba ruchienderera kuburikidza nezviuru zviono, zvinoita kwandiri kunge ndiwo mashura akanaka kwazvo.


    Love is not love if it changes by finding that, or tends to disappear when altro s`allontana. Oh no! Love is an always fixed mark that watches the storms and is never shaken; Love does not change with its brief hours and weeks, but carries out even to the brink of ruin; If this error and be on me proved, I do not short, nor any man ever loved. (William Shakespeare)
    • Rudo harwusi rudo kana rukachinja kana rukazviwana, kana kuti runowanzonyangarika kana. Haiwa! Rudo chiratidzo chinogara chakamisikidzwa chinotarisa madutu uye chisingazununguki; Rudo harushanduke nemaawa aro mapfupi nemavhiki, asi rwunotounzwa kumuromo kwekuparadzwa; Kana kukanganisa uku uye nezvangu zvakaratidzirwa, zvisina kupfupika, kana chero murume akamboda.

    Mitsara muuzivi


    Do not think much, but to love a lot, why do not ‘all you stimuli to love more. (Saint Teresa of Avila)
    • Ini handifunge zvakanyanya, asi kuda zvakanyanya, wadii kwete zvese zvinokurudzira kuda zvakanyanya?


    People who love totally and sincerely are the happiest people in the world. Maybe they have little, maybe they have nothing, but they are happy people. It all depends on how we love each other. (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)
    • Vanhu vanoda zvakakwana uye vakatendeseka ndivo vanhu vanofara kwazvo pasirese. Pamwe vane zvishoma, pamwe havana chinhu, asi vanhu vanofara. Izvo zvese zvinoenderana nekuti tinodanana sei.


    The measure of love is to love without measure. (St. Augustine)
    • Chiyero cherudo kuda pasina chiyero.


    How beautiful it is to be in love, and it is interesting to know how to be. (Soren Kierkegaard)
    • Kunaka sei kuve murudo, uye zvinonakidza kuziva kuita.


    Love is like epidemics: one of the most feared, the most exposed to infection. (Nicolas de Chamfort)
    • Rudo rwakafanana nedenda: chimwe chinotyiwa zvakanyanya, chinonyanyotarisana nehutachiona.


    Love is like luck: he does not like you running after. (Théophile Gautier)
    • Rudo rwakaita serombo: harudi kuti umhanye mushure.


    There is always a grain of madness in love, just as there is always a grain of logic in madness. (Friedrich W. Nietzsche)
    • Iko kunogara kune tsanga yekupenga murudo, sekungogara kune tsanga yemafungiro ekupenga.


    Fear this sweet feeling is the life of fear, and those who fear life are already dead for three quarters. (Bertrand Russell)
    • Kutya kwekunzwa kutapira ihwo hupenyu hwekutya, uye avo vanotya hupenyu vatove makota matatu vakafa.

    Mitsara "Yazvino"


    We remember those who have long loved, less time that has loved us. (Gesualdo Bufalino)
    • Tinorangarira avo vaida zvakanyanya, nguva shoma vaitida.


    There can be no deep disappointment where there is no deep love. (Martin Luther King)
    • Iko hakugone kuve nekuodzwa mwoyo kwakadzika uko pasina rudo rwakadzama.


    To love does not mean to find perfection, but to forgive the terrible defects. (Rosamunde Pilcher)
    • Kuda hazvireve kuti uwane kukwana, asi kuregerera zvikanganiso zvinotyisa.


    Love, impossible to define! (Giacomo Casanova)
    • Rudo, hazvigoneke kutsanangurwa!


    Special women are accomplices and smile; the other competitors and acidify. (Livia Cassemiro)
    • Vakadzi vakasarudzika vanobatana uye kunyemwerera; vamwe vanokwikwidza uye acidify.


    Gold is not everything … there is also platinum … (Scrooge Scrooge)
    • Ndarama haisi zvese ... kune zvakare platinamu ...


    I want all of you forever.
    • Ndinoda imi mose nokusingaperi.


    It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved. (Samuel Butler)
    • Zvirinani kuve wakada uye kurasikirwa pane kuti usatomboda.


    My heart beats when a see you.
    • Moyo wangu unotutuma pandakuona.


    Love is the surprise to discover you, to discover the sweetness of a caress, the joy of being near you. (Alan Douar)
    • Rudo ndiko kushamisika kwekuzviwana, kwekuwana kutapira kwecabress, mufaro wekuva padhuze newe.


    I do not want to be mancarti when you are alone, but when you have everything and despite everything that you feel that I miss you still. (Huga Flamme)
    • Ini handidi kuve mancarti kana uri wega, asi kana uine zvese uye kunyangwe zvese, iwe unonzwa kuti ndichiri kukusuwa.


    Why did you give me a hand? Why good things usually hang on. (Tumblr)
    • Sei wakandipa ruoko? Nei zvinhu zvakanaka zvinowanzo mirira.

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