Aymara numbers from 1 to 100

In today's article we are going to delve into and learn a little more about Aymara language, also known as Aymara, which is spoken by various Bolivian populations, as well as other strong Latin American countries such as Argentina or Chile. On this occasion we are going to show you contemporary Aymara numbers, as some experts assure that their numbering has not always been this way.

the aymara flag

Although you could start by learning each number from 1 to 100 individually, the best thing to do is learn how to build the numbers. In this way, it is much easier to learn all the numbers in Aymara correctly. As we would do with any other numbering system, the first thing is to learn the numbers from 0 to 9:

In the case of zero, there are different ways of calling it:

0 ch 'use

0 Muruq 'u

0 muyuga

Now the numbers from 1 to 9:

1 Mayan (Mä)

2 Paya (Pa)

3 kimsa

4 Pusi

5 phisqah

6 Subtract

7 Pack

8 kimsaqalqui

9 Llatunka

The reason why Maya y Paya have the variants ma y pa aside is because these are used when the number serves as a quantifier. That is, if we say "a dog", we would have to say "ma anu”. In the case of tens, hundreds and thousands, they are said as follows:

10 Tunka

100 Pataka

1000 Waranqa

1000000 million

Here is a video that we have prepared for you so that you can hear the correct pronunciation:

Aymara number notation is quite different, so understanding it is not as straightforward as other languages. Taking into account the western numerical notation, if we want to say 43, for example, we would have to decompose it into tens and units as follows:

43 = 4 tens + 3 ones = 4 · 10 + 3

In Aymara numbers the tens are tunka, the hundreds are pataka, the thousands waranqa and the millions milliona, so we come to the following conclusion:

43 = 4 tunka + 3

43 = pusi tunka + kimsa

43 = pusi tunka kimsani

Suffix ni is used when there are units, the rest remain the same. In case the number is a hundred or a ten, it would not be said mä pataka or mä tunka, but in this case only pataka and tunka should be said. Remember that this is only valid when we are talking about tens, hundreds or thousands.

To summarize the rule of ni, let's say it cannot be used inside a numeral construct. That is, in case there is a unit and it is used, it always has to be put to the end, you should never use it before.

Numbers in Aymara can count to hundreds of billions, although the truth is that such large numbers are useless for contemporary Aymara.

how numbers are written in Aymara from 1 to 10

If you did not understand the construction rules very well, then you will see a table with all the numbers from 1 to 100:

How to write numbers in Aymara from 1 to 100

Number aymara
1 maya
2 paya
3 who are
4 I put
5 phisca
6 subject
7 paqalqu
8 kimsaqalqu
9 llatunka
10 tunka
11 tunka-mayani
12 tunka-payani
13 tunka-kimsani
14 tunka pusini
15 tunka-phiscani
16 tunka-suxtani
17 tunka-paqalquni
18 tunka-kimsaqalquni
19 tunka-llatunkani
20 patunka
21 pätunka-mayani
22 pätunka-payani
23 pätunka-kimsani
24 pätunka-pusini
25 pätunka-phiscani
26 pätunka-suxtani
27 pätunka-paqalquni
28 pätunka-kimsaqalquni
29 pätunka-llatunkani
30 kimsa-tunka
31 kimsa-tunka-mayani
32 kimsa-tunka-payani
33 kimsa-tunka-kimsani
34 kimsa-tunka-pusini
35 kimsa-tunka-phiscani
36 kimsa-tunka-suxtani
37 kimsa-tunka-paqalquni
38 kimsa-tunka-kimsaqalquni
39 kimsa-tunka-llatunkani
40 pusi-tunka
41 pusi-tunka-mayani
42 pusi-tunka-payani
43 pusi-tunka-kimsani
44 pusi-tunka-pusini
45 pusi-tunka-phiscani
46 pusi-tunka-suxtani
47 pusi-tunka-paqalquni
48 pusi-tunka-kimsaqalquni
49 pusi-tunka-llatunkani
50 phisca-tunka
51 phisca-tunka-mayani
52 phisca-tunka-payani
53 phisca-tunka-kimsani
54 phisca-tunka-pusini
55 phisca-tunka-phiscani
56 phisca-tunka-suxtani
57 phisca-tunka-paqalquni
58 phisca-tunka-kimsaqalquni
59 phisca-tunka-llatunkani
60 suxta-tunka
61 suxta-tunka-mayani
62 suxta-tunka-payani
63 suxta-tunka-kimsani
64 suxta-tunka-pusini
65 suxta-tunka-phiscani
66 suxta-tunka-suxtani
67 suxta-tunka-paqalquni
68 suxta-tunka-kimsaqalquni
69 suxta-tunka-llatunkani
70 paqalqu-tunka
71 paqalqu-tunka-mayani
72 paqalqu-tunka-payani
73 paqalqu-tunka-kimsani
74 paqalqu-tunka-pusini
75 paqalqu-tunka-phiscani
76 paqalqu-tunka-suxtani
77 paqalqu-tunka-paqalquni
78 paqalqu-tunka-kimsaqalquni
79 paqalqu-tunka-llatunkani
80 kimsaqalqu-tunka
81 kimsaqalqu-tunka-mayani
82 kimsaqalqu-tunka-payani
83 kimsaqalqu-tunka-kimsani
84 kimsaqalqu-tunka-pusini
85 kimsaqalqu-tunka-phiscani
86 kimsaqalqu-tunka-suxtani
87 kimsaqalqu-tunka-paqalquni
88 kimsaqalqu-tunka-kimsaqalquni
89 kimsaqalqu-tunka-llatunkani
90 llatunka-tunka
91 llatunka-tunka-mayani
92 llatunka-tunka-payani
93 llatunka-tunka-kimsani
94 llatunka-tunka-pusini
95 llatunka-tunka-phiscani
96 llatunka-tunka-suxtani
97 llatunka-tunka-paqalquni
98 llatunka-tunka-kimsaqalquni
99 llatunka-tunka-llatunkani
100 pataka

And this has been it for today, we are waiting for you in the next chapter of this website, where we will learn something new, as we do every day. If you want, Can you suggest a topic to talk about here below in the comments? and we will take it into account for future publications.

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